Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Glenn and I went to Laughlin for a couple of days to relax and give me an opportunity to "play through the pain." It is almost non-stop rain here. Someone said this is the rainiest winter we've had in 70 years.

Anyway, nothing big to report. As usual (lately) I won cash games, couldn't win a tourney to save my life. Glenn, on the other hand, did very well in the tourneys, but couldn't win cash games. Go figure!

The funniest part of the trip was when Glenn ran to Subway to get a sandwich. He came back and told me that the best looking hot sub was a melted steak one. He said he made sure to get the "Chip-a-toe" because he knew I would like it.

I tried to tell him how to pronounce Chipotle, but I'm starting to think "Chip-a-toe" is going to be our joking standard for the year!

Felicia :)