Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Well, I'm off to chemo land. We leave for Phoenix at 6am tomorrow. Ouch.

I have been in a bad, snappy mood all day. Poor Glenn has had to bear the brunt of this, along with several of the people (victims) who were unfortunate enough to IM me online.

Believe it or not, I feel this is the worst part of having cancer. The mastectomy was nuttin' honey. The thought of chemo is much worse.

Right before I started getting ready to sleep (like much sleep will come, haha), I received an e-mail from Charlie's Mom. She had just gotten a copy of Barry's book. This was the inscription:

"This is the first book off the press. It was promised to Charlie Tuttle, the poker blogger who inspired me to win a World Series of Poker tournament." --Barry Greenstein
Karen said to me:

He also sent us the entry ticket from the event.

I consider him Charlie's "Ace on the River".

I can rest feeling a little better about tomorrow. Thank you so much, Barry.

Felicia :)